Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Happy New Year to everyone! After a long vacation, I'm back now to upload your requested songs/ albums. I just hope you are still enjoying downloading what is uploaded in this site. By the way, I'm looking for some additional authors who want to voluntarily grant the request/s of the majority. If you are to look on the guestbook, there are lots of pending requests and due to time constraints, I wont be able to upload everything unless requests will stop from pouring in and of course, I dont want that to happen. If anyone is interested to join me in maintaining this site please send me an email at mindcorruptor@woomail.com. Let me just reiterate that this is PURE VOLUNTARY WORK. As we all know, I'm not earning anything from this site and everything is just for the sake of sharing.

MOST of your requests will be uploaded slowly but surely. Please bear with me.

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