Thursday, April 7, 2011

Get Started: 27 Selections from the Graham Parker Songbook (Disc One)

I may be a little addled lately (I think it's something I got on the plane last weekend sitting next to sneezing guy), but I do realize that not all of the songs on this Graham Parker collection were written by GP. But regular readers of the blog know I'm a sucker for obscurities and cuts from tribute albums, so how could I leave off Graham's cover of Richard Thompson's The Madness of Love?? Anyway, along with said obscurities, I've included one track from just about every GP studio release. (I'll post disc two next week.)

Get Started, Start A Fire
Get over It and Move On
The Madness of Love
Museum Of Stupidity
Blue Horizon
Bring Me A Heart Again
Howlin' Wind
Devil's Sidewalk
You Hit the Spot
Sounds Like Chains
I Discovered America

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