Monday, March 5, 2012


Just three months after Coffee Table Song had sunk without trace, Edwyn and his record label made another valiant attempt to swim against the tide, and in October 1989 shoved out a single on 7", 12" and CD.  A cracking little pop number that was sadly doomed to failure from the outset. The fact that it was an old song, an acoustic version of which  that had previously appeared on the b-side of the limited edition box-set of 1987 flop single My Beloved Girl is neither here not there....nor the fact that the b-side was also not a new song - a version of it had been on the b-side of Don't Silly Shally, a different 1987 flop single.


mp3 : Edwyn Collins - 50 Shades Of Blue
mp3 : Edwyn Collins - If Ever You're Ready


mp3 : Edwyn Collins - 50 Shades Of Blue (extended version)
mp3 : Edwyn Collins - Kindred Spirit
mp3 : Edwyn Collins - Just Call Her Name
mp3 : Edwyn Collins - Ain't That Always The Way

And yup, that is Edwyn recycling an old song on the 12" b-side (tune in tomorrow for the original)

1989 was a year when only if your tunes were booming out at raves or were the product of Manchester would they receive any notice.  Edwyn Collins was very much, in most folks eyes, the day before yesterday's man and just a footnote in pop history. A one-hit wonder with his old band.  Oh how little did they know.  Talent and genius has a way of shining through. Although it took a few more years to do so in this particular case......

Happy Listening

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